Flamand Management Services
P. O. Box 13
Wikwemikong, ON
P0P 2J0

Cell: (705) 618-1093
Fax: (705) 585-4833

Welcome to Flamand Management Services!

Scott Flamand is a Management Consultant who specializes in housing, finance and workshops.

Scott is from the Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve on Manitoulin Island in Ontario. Upon completion of his Commerce Degree in Accounting at Laurentian University in Sudbury, he worked in Finance at his home community for six years. During this time he gained valuable experience working with community leadership and managed his community’s finances.

He went on to work for Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) for ten years where he managed clients from James Bay to southern Ontario. His role was to deliver Section 95 Housing, underwriting, RRAP, Capacity Development, Section 10 and renewing mortgages. He also advised clients on housing management and portfolio management issues.

He returned to university where he obtained a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) in Finance.

Scott has been a Management Consultant for the past three years. He travels across Canada from coast to coast. Clients include the First Nations Market Housing Fund, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) and Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC).

He has worked with various First Nations across Canada advising clients on housing management, credit enhancement for market based housing, developing and updating Housing Policies, training Chief and Council on reading financial statements, as well as delivering various CMHC workshops.

He has facilitated community meetings regarding housing as well as Personal Finance workshops to benefit community members.

For further information please contact him by phoning the number below or through email.


Scott Flamand
B.Comm, MBA

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